


Women’s Coach: Stacie Simon

Keilor Park Cricket Club entered its first ever women’s team into the NWMCA Social T20 Competition in 2018/19. The team comprised mainly of mums who had no real experience with cricket except for backyard cricket at family functions. Lead by a small group of women with some past playing of either indoor or outdoor cricket, the team developed in both skill and confidence over the season.

The goal at the start of the season was to field a team and teach some women the game of Cricket. Although the team won the last 3 games of the season, the success of the team was measured by the development in friendships, skills, and support within the club. The growth in these areas led to the on field success, which was an added bonus.

To end the season, the team was honoured to be invited to participate in a Charity Match (raising funds for cancer) hosted by Lalor Cricket Club. The Friday night, under lights event, was a win for all and we look forward to hosting the event at the conclusion of the 2019/20 season.

The team had a lot of fun both at training and playing and built some great friendships along the way. In Social T20 Cricket, everyone bats, everyone bowls, everyone fields and everyone has fun. So why not have a go.

New players are of all ages and skill are welcome to come along and be part of this family friendly club where you are a name not a number.


Open to all

Open to all who want to learn & have fun.

Families are encouraged to come and support.


A Family friendly club with support to learn, play, make friends and have fun

Support Our Sponsors

Keilor Park Recreation Reserve

Stadium Drive Keilor Park, Vic, 3042
Club  Phone: (03) 9336 4035


Postal Address: PO Box 349,
Niddrie, Vic, 3042