Haig Fawkner Cricket Club was originally known as the Haig Amateur Cricket Club.  The Club was founded in 1932 by Robert Burt. In those days the people of Coburg were going through some tough times and Robert felt compelled to do something to help the local youth in his area, so he formed a cricket club.

Naming the club was easy for Robert as he used the street he lived in, Haig Avenue, and the amateur coming from the fact that the players were not paid to play.

Office Bearers: 2018/2019

Position Held by Contact
President John Gioupas
Senior Vice President Con Gioupas
Secretary Tiziana Kosmak
Treasurer Warren Parker
Delegate – seniors John Gioupas
Committee Member Taneale Gioupas
Committee Member Grace O’Brien
Grants John Gioupas
Grants Grace O’Brien
Fundraising Grace O’Brien
Fundraising Tiziana Kosmak
Fundraising John Gioupas
Sponsorship Chris David
Delegate – Juniors Ryan Greenacre
Junior Co-ordinator Ryan Greenacre